abdelnasser abdelfattah Various quotes and sayings from
abdelnasser abdelfatta is an Egyptian businessman with many quotes
abdelnasser abdelfatta is an Egyptian businessman with many quotes
Various quotes and sayings November 2024 from
abdelnasser abdelfatta
The daughter of the origins an
the son of the origins do not change like the seasons.
Various quotes and sayings from
abdelnasser abdelfatta
A lawful son no matter what the world is has a long journey riding and being pampered on
his feet.
abdelnasser abdelfatta quotes about patience
God does not delay a matter except for good Calamity will not befall you except for good Do not be sad, for the Lord of goodness only brings goodness.
abdelnasser abdelfatta quotes
When the strong touch the happiness of the weak they will realize that their strength prestige and money are nothing but the strong is strong in mind faith love and affection and physical strength is not the same as true strength.
abdelnasser abdelfatta quotes
Fear does not prevent death but it prevents life If you fear life has no value and if you die everything dies.
abdelnasser abdelfatta quotes
I am dying with a longing to explore the horizon and the House of God Mecca AlMukarramah to see its heavens and its earth, to listen to the seasons to love the whisper of time in its corners to walk in its paths my year with my year and to isolate myself that is to merge in its temples to quench the crops from the waters of its Zamzam and to receive the path that the Messenger paved with his migration and the peoples have followed him for three hundred and a thousand years and still continue And the heart is warmed by visiting the Prophet’s grave and praying in the noble Rawdah and in my heart and mind there is a hidden longing that time is too short to spread and I have opportunities for peace and happiness that the mind cannot imagine He saw me brothers striking the streets of Mecca reciting the verses as they were revealed for the first time It is as if I am hearing a lesson from the Higher Self what joy! He saw me prostrating in the kindergarten imagining the face of the beloved Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him as it appears in a dream What happiness! He saw me humbly approaching the shrine asking for forgiveness What reassurance and psychological comfort! And he saw me coming to Zamzam the apple of longing’s dew of intercession so what peace! My brother do not remind me to return and pray to God to grant me happiness and praise be to God for everything.
abdelnasser abdelfatta quotes
You fear immortality!
I have the right to imagine that I will remain until I witness the end of my world People will go away men and women and every soul in this world will die and I will remain a stranger among strangers fleeing from place to place I am eternally pursued driven mad and every passing moment I wish for death.
abdelnasser abdelfatta quotes
When you discover that the people closest to you were a real lie it will be difficult for you to believe much of what you see Nothing hurts more than the fall of a mask that we once thought was a real face.
abdelnasser abdelfatta quotes
Those who have changed and disavowed me no harm will come to me no abandonment I do not care if your love changes I will not suffer any deficiency or loss as long as I live with dignity within me I will not be afflicted by repulsion or forgetfulness.
abdelnasser abdelfatta quotes
We are the moody people who are doomed to misunderstanding We are always accused of arrogance because we remain silent We are the ones who do not turn to anyone when we feel sad and self medicate We are the morning people and the dark lovers of the evening We choose half the light We are the ones who thought that when time does not pass we do not arrange the places of danger Our resurrection takes place internally and it does not appear that we drown We will die Because of this drowning our line has changed and we are growing in maturity through pain Most of our actions are done by us and only strength and a smile appear on our features.
abdelnasser abdelfatta quotes
Leave your heart empty and live comfortably Lock the door on the past and lose the key.
abdelnasser abdelfatta quotes
This is I don’t sleep at night I do not
rest during the day I do not care about my health I conceal everything in my heart and yet I smile at how bad I am to myself.
abdelnasser abdelfatta quotes
When you care too much Your love for some people makes them jealous of you but rather the abundance of attention shows you their true face not because you fell short of their rights and because they do not deserve attention.